I have always had a strong curiosity and interest for people and ways of living different from mine. It manifested in desire to travel, my own friendships and relationships, and eventually the courses I gravitated towards in university. When it came time to think about future career options though, a common thread through the many considerations was also service, specifically serving communities on the ground, person to person. I gravitated towards training and education in health and medicine as a result, as I believe that healing a body is a universal need and one of the most basic and tangible ways to serve someone. These passions coalesced when I heard of Peace Corps, which combined them all perfectly.
Peace Corps Prep
I am extremely excited (and a wee bit nervous) to announce that I will be serving in...
Cameroon starting September 2017 as a Health Extension Volunteer!

Specifically, I will be focusing on:
maternal and child health
prevention of malaria
water sanitation and hygiene practices
HIV/AIDS education